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Integral Singapore gives back

Making it easy to do what is right

Integral Singapore is a groundup movement dedicated to positive change and sustainable development. Your heart knows it when you do what is right.


Who supports us

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Mighty Stars

Radical regenerative forces

Mighty Stars help other like-minded purpose-led entrepreneurs and changemakers to become Radical Regenerative Forces. We promote creative and regenerative ways of thinking and conducting business in our inter-connected world which we believe is founded on goodness in overflow.

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World Improver

Growing a world of good

We make space for ideas that can improve our world in the form of groundup competitions.

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Viral Kindness

Ripples of kindness form an ocean

A trusted platform that intersects kindness to self, others (charity) and Mother Earth (sustainability). A community that shares and learns about positive, encouraging and valid information.


Pick 1 cause and fight hard

A movement to make it a norm in society that every person fights hard for a cause that makes the world better for people. Imagine a world where everyone fights for something good. Imagine how many things we can dramatically improve. Imagine what a future we can build.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"

- Vincent van Gogh

Write to us

Get in touch with Integral Singapore to discover more about our work and how you can support us.


The 700 SGD scholarship (a spin-off from Pick1Thing.com)

If you have picked 1 thing and you have an idea to do good but you need some money to make happen, you can apply for our 700 SGD scholarship. How many we give out each year depends on how many offerings of scholarships are raised. The requirements are easy: 1) you need to invest in a cause that makes the world better for people; and 2) you need to share back proof of how the money was used.

If you have a great idea, don't be shy - write to us. You can also write to us if you want to offer a similar scholarship (via Integral Singapore or on your own blog/ site/ page/ setup).


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