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Something For Everyone

Ground-up Initiative GUI

Do Good Together - nurture an eco-conscious community with the mind, hands and heart

Singapore's 21st Century 'School of Life' in a nature-inspired campus to forge A Beautiful Connection with the Earth & Community through Farming Your Heart. Use your personal talents to help our local community always on the lookout for people who long to connect to nature and people.

Write to to learn more about how you can volunteer!

Tak Takut Kids Club TTKC

Every Little One Counts

The human nature of giving is one of the most powerful forces. Help to improve the situations of people in need at the local Boon Lay community, via TTKC, a space that is open to children and their families, especially those staying in the public rental flats. We welcome volunteers every Tuesday - Friday, 5pm-9pm to befriend the children and help them with their homework. Please fill up this form if you are interested to work with us!

Foodscape Pages

What Are Your Stories?

There are many ways for you to contribute/ volunteer, one of which is to communicate your stories to the Foodscape Collective. Through stories and curious inquiries of our lived experiences, regenerative space is created and held for imagination, inspirations and community presence, Explore narratives as a collective in our relationship with ourselves, one another, and the planet. Can you identify yourself as a editor, writer, citizen journalist, designer, illustrator, photographer, web wizard or possess some other magical gifts you’d like to offer? Write to and tell about yourself and your passion!

The Matcha Initiatives TMI

Every Little Bit Counts

A B2B guide towards sustainability because business as usual can no longer apply. We are looking for suppliers, buddies, volunteers & good-minded people to join us.


Feel Human Again - Make genuine connections

Warmspace uses a science-based approach involving music, mindfulness, and psychology to design a conversation experience that allows you to connect deeply with another human. Make genuine connections and feel seen, heard and more.


Befriender Impacting Lives

Your befriending is appreciated and counts, especially in supporting seekers who reached out for help via Acceset, an anonymous letter writing platform and safe space for those in need to confide, accept care and reset/ heal.

Can You Really Move on From Your Ex? Shane & Rachel [Acceptance]

Warmspace • 10:38

Meeting Shane for the first time as a stranger, Rachel shared about the pain from a heartbreak that resurfaced during the quarantine. What do you do when someone who's not only your lover, but also a friend, and a dance partner you see regularly cut you off from your life? Can you really fight off the ego that wants to be perceived in certain ways in front of your ex? Shane discussed this vulnerably with Rachel and shared how he dealt with the death of his ex-girlfriend.

We'd like to thank Shane and Rachel for their vulnerability and courage to share their story with the world. We hope you find catharsis, strength, and inspiration from what they've shared.

Featuring: Rachel | Shane |

  • Warmspace is a social platform that allows any human to experience deep emotional connection through a guided 1:1 conversation. Our mission is to make the world a kinder, more authentic, and humane place, one conversation at a time. Fancy a raw and genuine conversation like this? Sign up at

Website | Instagram | Facebook |

lofi kampung kampus - beats to chill/relax/study to

Ground-Up Initiative • 29:41

Some of our digital/marketing folks compiled some lo-fi tunes for you to listen to wherever and whenever!

Enjoy the ambient rain sounds... now sit back and relax 🌧🎼🎧😌

A week at Tak Takut Kids Club

3Pumpkins • 02:01

Tak Takut Kids Club (TTKC) is a community space that 3Pumpkins hold in Boon Lay for children to connect with one another, develop their own interests, and induce peer learning. With a largely unstructured programme, we respond to the children and their families, while working with community partners to find the best ways to journey with them.

I Thank My Sexual Trauma For Shaking Me Awake | Dani & Elaine - Part 1 [Change]

Warmspace • 09:00

Meeting Elaine for the first time as a stranger, Dani speaks candidly about what inspired the positive change she’s undergoing now. Being sexually harassed twice in the last three years, Dani didn’t let this trauma cripple her. Quite the opposite, she thanked this experience as a catalyst to peel all the layers covering her true self and to start living a life worth living on her own terms.

We'd like to thank Dani and Elaine for their vulnerability and courage to share their story with the world. We hope you find catharsis, strength, and inspiration from what they've shared.

Featuring: Dani | Elaine |

  • Warmspace is a social platform that allows any human to experience deep emotional connection through a guided 1:1 conversation. Our mission is to make the world a kinder, more authentic, and humane place, one conversation at a time. If you fancy a raw and genuine conversation like this, try Warmspace yourself at

Website | Instagram | Facebook |

Acceset Demo

oon tian sern • 01:31

Description of the digital biomarkers and letter writing process

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